
艾明要 简历 – 名人简历 – 行业人物 科研人员 教师 大学教师





2019.11- 中国数学会理事


2018.01-2022.01 中国统计学会 理事

2017.11- 中国现场统计研究会 常务理事、副秘书长

2017.08- Statistica Sinica Associate Editor


2016.11- 中国数学会均匀设计分会 副理事长

2015.11- 全国工业统计学教学研究会 常务理事

2015.04- 中国现场统计研究会高维数据统计分会 副理事长

2014.12- 北京生物医学统计与大数据研究会 理事

2014.11- 中国现场统计研究会试验设计分会 理事长

2014.10- 北京市统计学会 常务理事

2014.09- 中国现场统计研究会空间统计学会 秘书长

2014.08- 中国统计教育学会高等教育分会 常务理事

2014.04- Statistics and Probability Letters (SPL) Associate editor

2014.01- 系统科学与数学 编委

2013.07-2017.11 中国现场统计研究会 理事、副秘书长

2012.10-2016.10 中国数学会均匀设计学会 常务理事

2012.08-2015.07 IMS-China Committee Elected member

2012.05- STAT (electronic journal of the International Statistical Institute) Associate editor

2012.01- Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (JSPI) Associate editor

2009.11-2014.10 中国现场统计研究会试验设计分会 副理事长

2009.08-2013.06 中国现场统计研究会 副秘书长

2006.11-2014.10 中国数学会概率统计学会 副秘书长

2005.02- Mathematical Reviews Reviewer


开课时间课程名称授课对象 2009-2010(1)普通统计学全校通选课(120人) 2003-2004(2)概率论与数理统计经济学院02级本科生(221人) 2004-2005(2)试验设计与分析数学学院研究生(20人) 2005-2006(1)数理统计数学学院03级本科生(162人) 2005-2006(2)概率论与数理统计经济学院04级本科生(101人) 2005-2006(2)毕业论文(I)-试验设计数学学院02级本科生(14人) 2006-2007(1)数理统计数学学院04级本科生(161人) 2006-2007(2)毕业论文(I)-试验设计数学学院03级本科生(9人) 2006-2007(2)抽样调查数学学院本研合上(71+9人) 2008-2009(2)试验设计与分析数学学院本研合上(6+11人) 2009-2010(2)抽样调查数学学院本研合上(76+3人) 2010-2011(1)概率统计B地空信科元培本科生(70人) 2010-2011(2)试验设计数学学院研究生(10人) 2011-2012(1)概率统计B地空元培本科生(97人) 2011-2012(2)抽样调查数学学院本研合上(64人) 2011-2012(2)毕业论文(I)-试验设计数学学院08级本科生(9人) 2012-2013(1)应用线性回归数学学院本科生(47人)



2004–2005 最优部分因析设计构造理论和方法研究

2006.01–2008.12 一些广泛类型最优因析设计构造和分析的进一步研究

2007.10–2009.09 利用因果分析方法确定影响产品的环境因素

2007.01–2009.12 复杂系统试验中几类最新设计的构造和分析研究

2007.07–2011.12 基于“药性构成三要素”的中药药性实质研究

2010.01–2012.12 计算机试验和实际试验的综合设计与分析研究

2010.10–2011.12 嵌入空间填充设计构造理论的进一步研究



1. Ai MY, Zhang RC (2004). Theory of optimal blocking of nonregular factorial designs. Canadian Journal of Statistics 32(1), 57–72.

2. Ai MY, Zhang RC (2004). Multistratum fractional factorial split-plot designs with minimum aberration and maximum estimation capacity. Statistics & Probability Letters 69(2), 161–170.

3. Ai MY, Zhang RC (2004). s^{n-m} designs containing clear main effects or clear two-factor interactions. Statistics & Probability Letters 69(2), 151–160.

4. Ai MY, Zhang RC (2004). Theory of minimum aberration blocked regular mixed factorial designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 126(1), 305–323.

5. Ai MY, Zhang RC (2004). Projection justification of generalized minimum aberration for asymmetrical fractional factorial designs. Metrika 60(3), 279–285.

6. Ai MY, He SY (2005). Theory of optimal blocking for fractional factorial split-plot designs. Science in China Ser. A–Math. 48(5), 649–656. [Chinese Version 35(3), 265–272]

7. Ai MY, Zhang RC (2005). Characterization of minimum aberration mixed factorials in terms of consulting designs. Statistical Papers 46(2), 157–171.

8. Ai MY, Li PF, Zhang RC (2005). Optimal criteria and equivalence for nonregular fractional factorial designs. Metrika 62(1), 73–83.

9. Ai MY, He SY (2006). Interaction balance for symmetrical factorial designs with generalized minimum aberration. Statistical Papers 47(1), 125–136.


10. Ai MY, Yang GJ, Zhang RC (2006). Minimum aberration blocking of regular mixed factorial designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 136(4), 1493–1511.

11. Ai MY, Zhang RC (2006). Minimum secondary aberration fractional factorial split-plot designs in terms of consulting designs. Science in China Ser. A–Math. 49(4), 494–512. [Chinese Version 36(1), 52–71]

12. Ai MY, He SY (2006). Generalized wordtype pattern for nonregular factorial designs with multiple groups of factors. Metrika 64 (1), 95-108.

13. Ai MY, He SY (2006). An efficient method for identifying clear effects in blocked fractional factorial designs. Statistics & Probability Letters, 76, 1889-1894.

14. Ai MY, Fang KT, He SY (2007). E(chi^2)-optimal mixed-level supersaturated designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137 (1), 306-316.

15. Qin H, Ai MY (2007). A note on connection between uniformity and generalized minimum aberration. Statistical Papers, 48 (3), 491-502.

16. Tang Y, Ai MY, Ge GN, Fang KT (2007). Optimal Mixed-level Supersaturated Designs and a New Class of Combinatorial Designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137 (7), 2294-2301.

17. Ai MY, Ge GN, Chan LY (2007). Circular Neighbor-balanced Designs Universally Optimal for Total Effects. Science in China Ser. A–Math. 50(6), 821-828.


20. Joseph RV, Ai MY(Corr), Wu CFJ (2009). Bayesian-inspired minimum aberration two- and four-level designs. Biometrika 96(1), 95-106.

18. Ai MY, Hickernell FJ, Lin DKJ (2008). Optimal foldover plans for regular s-level fractional factorial designs. Statistics & Probability Letters 78, 896-903.

19. Zhang RC, Li P, Zhao SL, Ai MY (2008). A General Minimum Lower-Order Confounding Criterion for Two-Level Regular Designs. Statistica Sinica 18(4), 1689-1705.

27. Ma CX, Ai MY, Chan LY, Goh TN (2010). Three-level and Mixed-level Orthogonal Arrays for Lean Designs. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 26(6),529u2013539.

21. Ai MY, Yu YL, He SY (2009). Optimality of circular neighbor-balanced designs for total effects with autoregressive correlated observations. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 139, 2293-2304.

22. Ai MY, He YZ (2008). Blocked regular mixed factorial designs with maximum estimation capacity. Statistics and Applications, Special Issue in Honor of Prof. Aloke Dey, 6(1&2), 91-107.

23. Ai MY, Hickernell FJ (2009). Universal optimality of digital nets and lattice designs. Science in China, Ser. A-Math, 52(11), 2309-2320.

26. Ai MY, Xu X, Wu CFJ (2010). Optimal blocking and foldover plans for regular two-level designs. Statistica Sinica, 20, 183-207.

24. Qian ZG, Ai MY(Corr), Wu CFJ (2009). Construction of Nested Space-Filling Designs. Annals of Statistics, 37(6A), 3616-3643.

25. Ai MY, Kang L, Joseph VR (2009). Bayesian Optimal Blocking of Factorial Designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139(9), 3319-3328.

28. Qian ZG, Ai MY(Corr) (2010). Nested Lattice Sampling: A New Sampling Scheme Derived By Randomizing Nested Orthogonal Arrays. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105(491), 1147-1155.

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